Bone - Quest for the Spark (Novel) 3 - Book Three

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Book Three
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Bone - Quest for the Spark (Novel) 3

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€ 9,99


The thrilling conclusion to the NEW YORK TIMES bestselling Quest for the Spark trilogy!

The Nacht is growing stronger, and it's a race against time for Tom Elm and friends to find the final piece of the Spark before the entire Valley--and possibly the world--are plunged into eternal darkness. In this installment, the Queen of the Sky is brought down in the Pawa Mountains and our intrepid band of heroes is separated. What secrets can be found deep inside the mountains' caverns? Will the great mountain cat, Roque Ja, be ally or enemy? And will one of their very own betray them to evil?

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Bone
Reeks/Deel: Bone - Quest for the Spark (Novel) 3
ISBN: 9780545141062
Scenarist(en): Sniegoski, Tom
Tekenaar(s): Smith, Jeff
Genre(s): Avontuur, Fantasy, Humor, Young Adult
Uitgever: Scholastic

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