Legend of Zelda, the - Twilight Princess 10 - Volume 10

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Volume 10
Legend of Zelda, the - Twilight Princess 10
€ 11,95


Link must defeat evil at every turn in his perilous quest to help Princess Zelda!

Once upon a time, wizards tried to conquer the Sacred Realm of Hyrule. The Spirits of Light sealed the wizards’ power within the Shadow Crystal and banished them to the Twilight Realm beyond the Mirror of Twilight. Now, an evil menace is trying to find Midna, Princess of the Twilight Realm, and the fragments of the Shadow Crystal to gain the power to rule over both the Twilight Realm and the World of Light.

Sensing that total victory and the total destruction of Hyrule is within his grasp, Ganondorf unleashes his armies. Link, Midna, their friends, and many others they have met on their journey now fight side by side to save the land. Even some former enemies find themselves allied with Link as he presses on into the heart of Ganondorf’s stronghold. When Link confronts Ganondorf, defeating him will take every ounce of skill and courage he has…

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Legend of Zelda, the
Reeks/Deel: Legend of Zelda, the - Twilight Princess 10
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781974734047
Scenarist(en): Himekawa, Akira
Tekenaar(s): Himekawa, Akira
Genre(s): Fantasy
Uitgever: Viz Media

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    9731 BS Groningen

    +31 (0)50 - 549 96 98

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    Vr. 09:00 — 18:00
    Za. 10:00 — 17:00