Spider-Man (Manga) - Fake Red

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Fake Red
Spider-Man (Manga)
€ 14,99


There’s a new Spider-Man in town! And he’s got a lot to learn about being a hero!

An awkward teenager puts on Spider-Man’s suit, but quickly learns being a hero isn’t all photo ops and social media likes.

Yu’s new high school is kind of awful. He’s failing his classes and striking out socially. Everything changes when he finds one of Spider-Man’s costumes abandoned in an alleyway. At first, it’s fun to put on the costume and play hero, but when powerful enemies appear, Yu quickly realizes he’s out of his element. Still, with the real Spider-Man nowhere to be found, the city needs someone to save it…

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Spider-Man (Spinneman)
Reeks/Deel: Spider-Man (Manga)
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781974738786
Scenarist(en): Osawa, Yusuke
Tekenaar(s): Osawa, Yusuke
Genre(s): Manga, Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Viz Media

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1. Fake red [NL]

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