Star Wars - Bounty Hunters 3 - War of the Bounty Hunters

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War of the Bounty Hunters
Star Wars - Bounty Hunters 3
€ 17,99


The War of the Bounty Hunters rages across the galaxy! As Valance and his reluctant partner Dengar race to intercept Boba Fett and his precious cargo, deadly pursuers are after them. A dark secret from Valance's past with Han Solo is about to emerge -- and it may get him killed all these years later! But who is the mysterious leader of an assassination squad that is driving Valance into a life-and-death confrontation with an old friend? Meanwhile, T'onga is outgunned and outnumbered...but she does have one last surprise up her sleeve! And as the shadowy mastermind behind everything makes its move, Valance and Dengar try their luck at the Canto Bight casino, and T'onga puts a crew together -- with faces both fearsome and familiar!

COLLECTING: Star Wars: Bounty Hunters (2020) 12-17

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Star Wars
Reeks/Deel: Star Wars - Bounty Hunters 3
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302928810
Scenarist(en): Sacks, Ethan
Tekenaar(s): Villanelli, Paolo
Uitgever: Marvel

In deze reeks

1. Galaxy's Deadliest
2. Target Valance
4. Crimson Reign
5. Raid on Vermillion
6. Bedlam on Bestine

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