Girl from the Other Side, the 2 - Deluxe Edition 2

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In a world split between the Inside and the Outside, those living in both realms are told never to cross over to the other side, lest they be cursed. A young girl named Shiva lives on the other side, in a vacant village with a demonic guardian known only as 'Teacher.' Although the two are forbidden to touch, they seem to share a bond that transcends their disparate appearances. But when Shiva leaves Teacher's care to seek out her grandmother, the secret behind her mysterious living arrangement comes to light. Collects volumes 4-6.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Girl from the Other Side, the
Reeks/Deel: Girl from the Other Side, the 2
Scenarist(en): Nagabe
Tekenaar(s): Nagabe
Genre(s): Fantasy, Young Adult

In deze reeks

2. Volume 2
3. Deluxe Edition 3
4. Deluxe Edition 4
11. Volume 11

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