Star Wars: Dark Droids - Dark Droids

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"First, it comes for the metal…" It is called the Scourge - and no droid is safe from its corruption! As the Scourge spreads from one droid to the next, both the Rebel Alliance and the Empire face uprisings, chaos and terror as their closest companions turn against them! With every passing moment, the infection learns more and grows stronger - but is its goal limited to dominating mechanical intelligence? Or does the Scourge have something far worse in mind? And what role will the droid priest Ajax Sigma play in all of this? Find out when horror comes to a galaxy far, far away! Unlikely allies must join forces to fight an invading evil in a STAR WARS epic like you've never seen before!

Collecting STAR WARS: DARK DROIDS #1-5.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Star Wars
Reeks/Deel: Star Wars: Dark Droids
Scenarist(en): Soule, Charles
Tekenaar(s): Ross, Luke
Genre(s): Actie, Science Fiction

In deze reeks

1. D-Squad

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