Whisper Me A Love Song 2 - Volume 2

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An adorable new yuri manga for fans of Kase-san and Yamada and Bloom Into You. One day, high school girl Himari sees a girl, Yori, sing in a band, and it awakens feelings she doesn't understand... but Yori does!

Himari is starting to realize that she and Yori have two very different things in mind when they talk about being in love, and Yori can tell that things aren't quite the same between them since she asked Himari out. But if they want to stay together, whether as friends or something more, they'll have to hear each other out and see if they can get back in harmony. With band practice cutting into their time together and Himari making a new friend who tugs on Yori's deepest insecurities, both girls start to wonder: how can one little word make everything so complicated?

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Whisper Me A Love Song
Reeks/Deel: Whisper Me A Love Song 2
Scenarist(en): Takeshima, Eku
Tekenaar(s): Takeshima, Eku
Genre(s): LGBTQ+, Romantiek, Young Adult, Yuri

In deze reeks

3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5
6. Volume 6
7. Volume 7
8. Volume 8

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