Blue Box 8 - Volume 8

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Volume 8
Blue Box 8
€ 12,99


After the the actor playing the prince in the class play is knocked out of commission, Taiki is asked to take on the role. As nervous as he is, he follows through with the performance—until an accident befalls him and Hina! Can Taiki handle this shift in their already-precarious relationship?

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Blue Box
Reeks/Deel: Blue Box 8
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781974742806
Scenarist(en): Miura, Kouji
Tekenaar(s): Miura, Kouji
Genre(s): Romantiek, Shonenjump Manga, Sport
Uitgever: Viz Media

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
2. Volume 2
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4
5. Volume 5
6. Volume 6
7. Volume 7
9. Volume 9
10. Volume 10
11. Volume 11

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  • Akim Stripspeciaalzaak

    Ulgersmaweg 14
    9731 BS Groningen

    +31 (0)50 - 549 96 98

  • Openingstijden

    Do. 09:00 — 18:00
    Vr. 09:00 — 18:00
    Za. 10:00 — 17:00