Coffee Moon 5 - Volume 5

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Volume 5
Coffee Moon 5
€ 13,99


There’s somewhere I want to take you! Let’s all go there together! An invitation has been extended to Pieta. The place where she and Danae can recreate her lost birthday awaits. A shadow strikes, and Pieta plunges into the darkness of despair! Although defeat is not death, it might as well be― with friends forgotten, powers put out of mind, and every adventure erased! Pieta, in her pit of woe, watches as the dull days float by. But her dear Danae is acting quite strange… Unfamiliar faces flock around her, while the lonely Pieta is left to look longingly upon them. But two shadows lurk in the dark, eyes trained on Pieta and the comrades she hopes to recover.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Coffee Moon
Reeks/Deel: Coffee Moon 5
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781975369071
Scenarist(en): Bota, Mochito
Tekenaar(s): Bota, Mochito
Genre(s): Fantasy, Mysterie
Uitgever: Yen Press

In deze reeks

1. Volume 1
3. Volume 3
4. Volume 4

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