Conan - Dark Horse Collection - Book of Thoth

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Writers Kurt Busiek and Len Wein, creator of Wolverine and SwampThing, team up with the grandmaster of horror art, Kelley Jones, to tell the horrifying origin of Thoth-amon, Conan's greatest adversary! In the dank alleys of a decaying city, a beggar child conjures visions of a future where, instead of spitting on him in the streets, the rich and privileged cower in fear of his terrible authority. Through cunning, murderous means, he ingratiates himself into a benevolent priesthood, only to turn the church and the nation itself over to the terrible snake-god, Set! This essential piece of the Conan mythos reveals the secrets behind the dread sorcerer Thoth-amon for the first time!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Conan
Reeks/Deel: Conan - Dark Horse Collection
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781593076481
Scenarist(en): Busiek, Kurt , Wein, Len
Tekenaar(s): Jones, Kelley
Genre(s): Fantasy
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics

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