Shock SuspenStories 1 - The EC Archive - Volume 1

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The EC Archive - Volume 1
Shock SuspenStories 1

Book's condition is new. Sleeve is slightly damaged and has a tear.

€ 49,95


This beautifully bound hardcover reprints the first six complete issues (24 stories) of the comic book Shock SuspenStories, originally published in 1952. Includes stories by William Gaines & Al Feldstein, with art by Jack Kamen, Jack Davis, Joe Orlando, Graham Ingles, and Wally Wood. Featuring a foreword by Steven Spielberg this book looks back at some of the edgiest and best written stories in comic history.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Crime/Shock SuspenStories
Reeks/Deel: Shock SuspenStories 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781888472578
Tekenaar(s): Feldstein, Albert
Genre(s): Horror, Misdaad, Science Fiction
Uitgever: Gemstone

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