Critical Role: the Mighty Nein Origins - Jester Lavorre

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Jester Lavorre
Critical Role: the Mighty Nein Origins
€ 17,99


What's a nice tiefling like Jester doing in a party like the Mighty Nein?

Jester Lavorre had an unconventional upbringing, even for one born in cosmopolitan Nicodranas. Daughter of the famed Ruby of the Sea, she had many opportunities for mischief as a small child, of which she took full advantage! Dive into the mystery of Jester's early years, her first meeting with the Traveler, and the fateful events that set her on a path to eventually join the Mighty Nein.

Jester's story is brought to life by writer Sam Maggs (Captain Marvel; The Unstoppable Wasp) with art by Hunter Severn Bonyun, in direct consultation with Laura Bailey! It's available as a gorgeous hardcover, ready to take its place in your Critical Role library!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Critical Role
Reeks/Deel: Critical Role: the Mighty Nein Origins
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781506723761
Scenarist(en): Mercer, Matthew
Tekenaar(s): Samson, Olivia
Genre(s): Avontuur, Fantasy
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics

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