Danganronpa - The Animation 1 - Vol 1

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Your first day of class will be...murder!!!

Welcome to Hope's Peak Academy, which selects only the elite... plus one ordinary student, chosen by lottery. Makoto Naegi was that lucky person -- or so he thought! When he shows up for class, he finds the students are a bizarre cast of odd-balls Under the ruthless authority of a robot teddy bear principal, Monokuma. The bear lays down the school rules: the only way out of Hope's Peak is not only murder another student... but get away with it, in a tribunal where the survivors cross-examine each other!

Inspired by the Danganronpa video game series from NIS America and now on Steam... based on the anime series from Funanimation! The first Danganronpa manga to be released in English has twists and turns of its own!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Danganronpa
Reeks/Deel: Danganronpa - The Animation 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781616559281
Scenarist(en): Tsukimi, Takashi
Tekenaar(s): Tsukimi, Takashi
Genre(s): Horror, Young Adult
Uitgever: Dark Horse Comics

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