Death of Doctor Strange - Companion

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Uitgave omschrijving

232 pages


Doctor Strange is dead! And without Earth's Sorcerer Supreme to hold back the darkness at the edges of reality, the world is suddenly under siege from all kinds of mystical threats. Now, as an unexpected investigator races the clock to solve Doctor Strange's murder, it's up to the rest of the heroes of the Marvel Universe -- from Spider-Man to Blade to White Fox, plus the students of the Strange Academy and an uncanny alliance between the X-Men and Black Knight -- to pick up the shattered pieces! Can they combat magical incursions and keep the Earth safe while the mystery is unraveled?

COLLECTING: Death of Doctor Strange: Avengers (2021) 1, Death of Doctor Strange: Strange Academy Presents (2021) 1, Death of Doctor Strange: Spider-Man (2021) 1, Death of Doctor Strange: White Fox (2021) 1, Death of Doctor Strange: Blade (2021) 1, Death of Doctor Strange: X-Men/Black Knight (2021) 1

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Doctor Strange
Reeks/Deel: Death of Doctor Strange
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302933104
Scenarist(en): Diverse scenaristen
Tekenaar(s): Diverse tekenaars
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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