Marvel Masterworks 253 / Fantastic Four 19 - Fantastic Four - Volume 19

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Fantastic Four - Volume 19
Marvel Masterworks 253 / Fantastic Four 19
€ 75,00


In their latest, greatest Marvel Masterworks, the Fantastic Four confront one of their oldest enemies - the Skrulls! And they'll have to do it as their older selves, after an aging weapon advances them to death's door! The talents of Marv Wolfman, Keith Pollard and John Byrne - in his FF debut - keep the story feisty, the art spry and the adventure fantastic. How could it not be when the world-devourer Galactus enters the fray with a new herald? As if that weren't enough, the cosmic Sphinx, scheming Monocle, combustible Blastaar, formidable Frightful Four and diabolical Salem's Seven keep the scope epic, the stakes absolute, and you on the edge of your seat! And H.E.R.B.I.E.? He's just keeping it real. COLLECTING: FANTASTIC FOUR (1961) 204-218, ANNUAL (1963) 14

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Fantastic Four (Vier Verdedigers), Marvel Masterworks
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks 253
Subreeksen/Deel: Fantastic Four 19
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302903473
Scenarist(en): Mantlo, Bill , Wolfman, Marv
Tekenaar(s): Byrne, John
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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    9731 BS Groningen

    +31 (0)50 - 549 96 98

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    Vr. 09:00 — 18:00
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