Marvel Masterworks 42 / Fantastic Four 8 - Fantastic Four - Volume 8

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Fantastic Four - Volume 8
Marvel Masterworks 42 / Fantastic Four 8
€ 49,99


Pony up, True Believer, the amazing eighth manic Masterworks featuring the First Family of Funnybooks is coming your way! Collecting an ironclad cadre of consecrated classics, this ones packed with more drama than you can shake a Skrull at!
Lets break it down: the Silver Surfer pursued by none other than the world-devouring Galactus; the FF vs. Spidey, DD and Thor in a barnstorming brouhaha; a fantastic voyage into the Microverse to battle the Psycho Man; the Thingcured!; the first appearance of
Annihilus; Crystal, the Inhuman, joins the FF, and one of comics most historic moments, the birth of Franklin Richards, it just doesn't stop!
This ones a humdinger so chock-full of excitement its ready to burst! And its all brought to you by no less than the minds that made Marvel magnificent, Stan and Jack!
Nuff Said!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Fantastic Four (Vier Verdedigers), Marvel Masterworks
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks 42
Subreeksen/Deel: Fantastic Four 8
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780785116943
Scenarist(en): Lee, Stan
Tekenaar(s): Kirby, Jack
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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