Green Lanterns 7 - Superhuman Trafficking

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When Green Lanterns Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz discover that a number of superheroes have vanished from Earth without a trace, their investigation leads them to a lawless planet where a ring of slavers are forcing super-beings to do their bidding! But the slavers are connected to a powerful religion protected from Green Lantern Corps authority, so Jessica and Simon must become converts to infiltrate their sacred space. How will they defeat the church known as the Order of the Steed when the religion's leader has total control over an interplanetary army of superheroes, among them Simon's occasional companion, Night Pilot?

Plus, Simon and Jessica are chosen to represent Earth at a once-in-a-millennium ceremony honoring an ancient hero of the Corps, but while there, they uncover a shocking and dangerous secret that's been buried for more than a thousand years!

Writers Tim Seeley (Batman Eternal) and Andy Diggle (The Losers) join artists Barnaby Bagenda (The Omega Men), V Ken Marion (Trinity) and more in Green Lanterns Vol. 7: Superhuman Trafficking

Collects Green Lanterns #40-43 and Annual #1

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Green Lantern, the (Groene Lantaarn), Green Lanterns
Reeks/Deel: Green Lanterns 7
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401284541
Scenarist(en): Diggle, Andy , Seeley, Tim
Tekenaar(s): Bagenda, Barnaby , Gray, Mick
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

In deze reeks

1. Rage Planet
2. The Phantom Lantern
3. Polarity
4. The First Ring
5. Out of Time
6. A World of Our Own

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