Blackest Night - Green Lantern

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Green Lantern
Blackest Night
€ 24,99


Comics hottest writer Geoff Johns (Green Lantern, The Flash, Action Comics, JSA) and superstar artist Doug Mahnke (JLA, Batman, Superman) raise the dead in this must-read tie-in to the most anticipated comics event of the year, Blackest Night. This hardcover collection starring Hal Jordan expands on the War of the Light as the evil Black Lanterns descend on all of the Corps throughout the universe, explains villain Black Hand's connection to death and the Black Lantern corps and features key plot points that are essential to enjoying the storyline to it's fullest.

Collecting: Green Lantern 43-52

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Blackest Night/Brightest Day, DC Universe, Green Lantern, the (Groene Lantaarn)
Reeks/Deel: Blackest Night
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401227869
Scenarist(en): Johns, Geoff
Tekenaar(s): Mahnke, Doug
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

In deze reeks

Tales of the Corps
Blackest Night
Volume Two

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