Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel Omnibus - By Jim Valentino

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By Jim Valentino
Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel Omnibus
€ 110,00

Uitgave omschrijving

984 pagina's


Thrill to the exploits of the 31st century's greatest super-team, the original Guardians of the Galaxy! Join Vance Astro, Yondu, Starhawk, Nikki, Charlie-27, Martinex and Aleta as they undertake a quest to fi nd the long-lost shield of Captain America -a mission that pits them against Iron Man's twisted legacy! They'll land on the World of Mutants and wind up in the middle of a violent rebellion against Wolverine's descendant Rancor! Learn the secret origin of the once-and-future Guardians, and catch up with Firelord, Silver Surfer, Galactus, Ghost Rider and the 31st century's Punisher in the ultimate exploration of the future of the Marvel Universe, helmed by visionary talent Jim Valentino!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Guardians of the Galaxy
Reeks/Deel: Guardians of the Galaxy - Marvel Omnibus
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302904395
Scenarist(en): DeFalco, Tom , Drake, Arnold , Marz, Ron , Milgrom, Al , Valentino, Jim
Tekenaar(s): Diverse tekenaars
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden, Science Fiction
Uitgever: Marvel

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