Greatest DC Stories - The Greatest Joker Stories ever told

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As Batman's archenemy, the Joker is the antithesis of the Dark Knight. Fueled by lunacy, the Clown Prince of Crime thrives in a world of chaos and disorder. In THE GREATEST JOKER STORIES EVER TOLD, the Joker's insanity is displayed in full color. Collecting tales from the last five decades, this book shows that from his earliest appearances to his most recent exploits, he has been a dynamic and deadly adversary. Whether involved in classic campy stories or legendary dark tales, the Joker's insane brilliance has been more than a match for Batman's keen intellect.

This anthology volume collects stories originally published in BATMAN #1, 4, 63, 73, 74, 110, 159, 163, 251, 321; DETECTIVE COMICS #168, 475, 476; WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #61, 88; THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD #111; THE JOKER #3; and BATMAN KELLOGG'S SPECIAL.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Joker, the
Reeks/Deel: Greatest DC Stories
Taal: Engels
Scenarist(en): Diverse scenaristen
Tekenaar(s): Diverse tekenaars
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

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