Last God, the - The Fellspyre Chronicles 1 - Book 1

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The Last God is a high-power, brutal, and nuanced dark fantasy epic.

Two fellowships of heroes struggle with the same threat, 30 years apart. One group will doom their world the other must try to save it.
Thirty years ago, a band of heroes traveled beyond the borders of creation to kill the last living god and save the realm of Cain Anuun.
But when the foul legions of the Last God march again and begin to destroy all of Cain Anuun, it will be revealed that the aging fellowship may not be the great heroes they claimed to be. With the world burning down around them, a new group of unlikely champions will come together to try to bring peace to their world. They'll have to kill the Last God, once and for all.

Collects The Last God #1-12, The Last God- Tales from the Book of Ages #1, and The Last God- Songs of Lost Children #1.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Last God, the (De Laatste God)
Reeks/Deel: Last God, the - The Fellspyre Chronicles 1
Verschijningsdatum: Week 32, augustus 2021
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781779510549
Scenarist(en): Johnson, Phillip Kennedy
Tekenaar(s): Federici, Ricardo
Genre(s): Actie, Fantasy
Uitgever: DC Comics

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