Marvel Masterworks 271 / Luke Cage, Power Man 3 - Luke Cage, Power Man - Volume 3

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Luke Cage, Power Man - Volume 3
Marvel Masterworks 271 / Luke Cage, Power Man 3
€ 75,00


Luke Cage defends the streets of New York City and even takes the fight to the outer boroughs in this Marvel Masterworks volume completing his solo adventures. Hell face menaces as tough as Moses Magnum, as bizarre as the Mace and as infuriating as the Gem Theaters always unpredictable vending machine. Its all set against the gritty streets of 1970s Times Square, a location as colourful as anything any of Marvels minds have ever conjured up. Cage will also face an all-new and amped-up Chemistro; the Spear, who seeks to settle a score with the man who made Luke Cage bulletproof; and an adversary as unstoppable as death itself: the IRS. Collecting: Power Man (1974) 32-47, Annual (1976) 1

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Luke Cage (Power Man), Marvel Masterworks
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks 271
Subreeksen/Deel: Luke Cage, Power Man 3
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302916367
Scenarist(en): Claremont, Chris , McGregor, Don , Wolfman, Marv
Tekenaar(s): Elias, Lee , Robbins, Frank
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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