Mieruko-Chan 9 - Volume 9

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Volume 9
Mieruko-Chan 9
€ 14,99


What to do about the tentacles… Sure, their protection from the grotesque ghosts around Miko is a pretty sweet deal, but…what if Michiru turns on Miko someday? After all, they’re clearly linked to her classmate’s emotions since they go crazy every time her sister is mentioned. Add to that a few misunderstandings, sprinkle in Michiru’s overzealousness when it comes to all things Miko, and bingo! Recipe for disaster, coming right up…

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Mieruko-Chan
Reeks/Deel: Mieruko-Chan 9
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781975387877
Scenarist(en): Izumi, Tomoki
Tekenaar(s): Izumi, Tomoki
Genre(s): Horror, Humor
Uitgever: Yen Press

In deze reeks

4. Volume 4
6. Volume 6
8. Volume 8

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