Red Hood and the Outlaws - Rebirth 1 - Dark Trinity

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Jason Todd, a.k.a. Red Hood has been many things, a Robin, dead, the Red Hood, now he's back and he's embracing his bad side!

With his new status as a villain, Red Hood plans to take down Gotham's underworld from the inside. Joined by a fallen Amazon named Artemis and a half-baked Superman clone named Bizarro, this dark trinity will soon discover that the line between hero and villain is harder to discern than they might think.

Collects Red Hood & the Outlaws #1-6

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Outlaws, the, Red Hood
Reeks/Deel: Red Hood and the Outlaws - Rebirth 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401268756
Scenarist(en): Lobdell, Scott
Tekenaar(s): Soy, Dexter
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

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