Marvel Masterworks 63 / Rawhide Kid 1 - Rawhide Kid - Volume 1

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Rawhide Kid - Volume 1
Marvel Masterworks 63 / Rawhide Kid 1
€ 49,99


Saddle up, buckaroos! Its time for the Marvel Masterworks to tame the wild, wild West with the one and only Rawhide Kid! Back before Stan The Man and King Kirby spun stories of sensational super heroes, they told the tale of a young man who bore two Colt six-shooters and his mission to bring law to the American frontier. After his Uncle Ben Bart was killed at the hands of outlaws, Johnny Bart made it his personal mission to bring justice to the town of Rawhide.
Packed full of shootouts and showdowns, renegades and rustlers, guns and girls galore, these Western yarns will be sure to please you in the Mighty Marvel Manner! We guarantee you wont be able to hold on to your ten-gallon hat when you read the tale of the Terrible Totem, the Kids battle against the bank robbing Bat, and the war with Wolf Waco! Lasso your copy today, True Believer!
Collecting RAWHIDE KID #17-25.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Marvel Masterworks, Rawhide Kid
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks 63
Subreeksen/Deel: Rawhide Kid 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780785121176
Scenarist(en): Lee, Stan
Tekenaar(s): Kirby, Jack
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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