Star Wars - High Republic, the (2023) - Children of Storm

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Children of Storm
Star Wars - High Republic, the (2023)
€ 15,99


STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC returns for its explosive Phase III! A year after the destruction of Starlight Beacon, Marchion Ro and the Nihil stand victorious! The once-mighty Jedi are outclassed, the Republic is on its knees, and Keeve Trennis leads a desperate assault against an invading force on the edges of the galactic frontier! The odds are stacked against her, but a Jedi always clings to hope. The Force is with her…right? Not so fast! Because the Nihil are allying themselves with the Hutts, and the galaxy just became an even more dangerous place. Past missions come back to haunt the Jedi, and familiar faces return - but not as they used to be! Who - or what - is the Child of the Storm?

Collecting STAR WARS: THE HIGH REPUBLIC (2023) #1-4 and material from STAR WARS: REVELATIONS (2023).

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Star Wars
Reeks/Deel: Star Wars - High Republic, the (2023)
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302954994
Scenarist(en): Scott, Cavan
Tekenaar(s): Anindito, Ario , Cresta, Marika , Towe, Jim
Genre(s): Avontuur, Science Fiction
Uitgever: Marvel

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