Superman Vs. Lobo - Superman Vs. Lobo

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Superman Vs. Lobo
Superman Vs. Lobo
€ 24,99


It’s the Man of Steel against the Main Man in an over-the-top superhuman clash!

What happens when an indomitable force meets an irritating object? That’s what you’ll find out when Superman runs into Lobo. Think of it like a boy scout joining a biker gang. What will be worse, the damage Lobo causes on his own, or the chaos of trying to stop him? I smell a team-up, fanboys!

Numen is the most popular being in the universe, a god clogging all social channels. And he does not like competition. This means Superman and Lobo must go. Further complicating things is Dr. Flik, a scientist determined to study the last sons of Krypton and Czarnia respectively. What can she glean from the hero who lost everything as a baby and the bad, bad boy who made it all go away just for the heck of it? And what will happen when Superman and Lobo wake up on their respective resurrected home planets?

From writers Tim Seeley and Sarah Beattie, the team behind the indie hit Money Shot, and Punchline artist Mirka Andolfo comes a hilarious new DC Black Label superhero epic!

Collects Superman vs. Lobo #1-3.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Lobo, Superman
Reeks/Deel: Superman Vs. Lobo
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781779517913
Scenarist(en): Beattie, Sarah , Seeley, Tim
Tekenaar(s): Amelia, Fabio , Andolfo, Mirka , Hi-Fi , Prianto, Arif
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

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  • Akim Stripspeciaalzaak

    Ulgersmaweg 14
    9731 BS Groningen

    +31 (0)50 - 549 96 98

  • Openingstijden

    Do. 09:00 — 18:00
    Vr. 09:00 — 18:00
    Za. 10:00 — 17:00