Tank Girl 3 - Sex, Roos and Rock 'n' Roll!

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Concerned parents everywhere - rejoice! Tank Girl's back and she's madder than ever! Join our bullet-spraying, bloke-spaying heroine as she yet again wreaks havoc on an unsuspecting world, with a titanic battle against evil bounty hunters, a fascinating odyssey through the culinary world, the astonishing, all-true story of popular beat combo The Smiths, the lovely Jet Girl, the unlovely Booga, and more dead nasties than you can shake some sick at! Complete with unseen material from artist Jamie Hewlett (Gorillaz) and writer Alan Martin, it's another action-packed, outrageous adventure! Warning: Adults only!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Tank Girl
Reeks/Deel: Tank Girl 3
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781840234930
Scenarist(en): Martin, Alan C.
Tekenaar(s): Hewlett, Jamie
Genre(s): Actie, Humor
Uitgever: Titan Books

In deze reeks

21st Century Tank Girl

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