Teen Titans/Outsiders - The Insiders

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Ever since the death of Donna Troy, the Teen Titans and the Outsiders have been forging new destinies.What they didnt know was that one of the catalysts of Donnas death was a person who was going to betray not one, but both teams.When Nightwing and Speedy figure out that theres a traitor in their midst, secrets come to the fore, including Superboys ultimate corruption by his genetic father, Lex Luthor.Both teams are tested and in the wake of the battle, new alliances may be forged.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Outsiders, Teen Titans
Reeks/Deel: Teen Titans/Outsiders
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401209261
Scenarist(en): Johns, Geoff , Winick, Judd
Tekenaar(s): Clark, Matthew , D'Anda, Carlos , Daniel, Tony S.
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

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