Transformers - Beast Wars 1 - Volume 1

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Celebrate 25 years of Beast Wars! The Maximals and the Predacons are back in this all-new series.

In the beginning came the beasts, and all that creeps, crawls and flies--but nature lies, they're robots in disguise! With this one line a whole new generation of Transformers toys and fans were created. Now, 25 years later, an all-new series brings your favorite characters back!

In the future, the planet Cybertron belongs to the scientific-minded Maximals and the action-oriented Predacons! When a crew of Predacons, led by the successor to the Megatron name, steal a golden disk and a ship capable of traveling through time, it's up to Optimus Primal and his Maximal crew--Rattrap, Rhinox, Cheetor, and new character Nyx--to catch them!

Volume 1 collects issues #1-6 of the 12-issue series.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Transformers
Reeks/Deel: Transformers - Beast Wars 1
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781684058587
Scenarist(en): Burnham, Erik
Tekenaar(s): Burcham, Josh
Genre(s): Actie, Science Fiction
Uitgever: IDW Publishing

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