Transmetropolitan (Vertigo) 5 - Lonely City

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Nobody ever accused Warren Ellis of lacking imagination. The latest collection of the Spider Jerusalem saga, Lonely City, is packed with laser-guided satire and neo-adolescent wish fulfillment in the form of a bowel disruptor. Sliding his story of government manipulation and counter-manipulation between moments of reflection and observation makes Ellis's downbeat ending a bit less nihilistic than it could have been. Despite the gulf separating us from Jerusalem's City, it's not hard to draw parallels between his milieu of police-run riots and state-maintained misery and our own less colorful environment. Lonely City drags the man who's more "anti" than "hero" out into the world he professes to hate and forces him to do something about it, while never descending into the boring comic-book morality he fights daily. --Rob Lightner

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Transmetropolitan
Reeks/Deel: Transmetropolitan (Vertigo) 5
Scenarist(en): Ellis, Warren
Tekenaar(s): Robertson, Darick
Genre(s): Actie

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