Wolverine - Origins 8 - Seven the hard way

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Seven the hard way
Wolverine - Origins 8
€ 19,95


The events of the previous volumes have made it clear - in excruciatingly painful detail - to Wolverine that it's time for a change in tactics. Romulus knows Wolverine too well; any plan that Wolverine could come up with, Romulus would anticipate. The solution? Use someone else's plan - a plan that requires the participation of several different and very unlikely characters plucked from all corners of the Marvel Universe.But some of these characters won't exactly be willing to participate. Take Hulk, for example...

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Wolverine
Reeks/Deel: Wolverine - Origins 8
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780785146483
Scenarist(en): Way, Daniel
Tekenaar(s): Braithwaite, Doug
Uitgever: Marvel

In deze reeks

1. Born in blood
4. Our war
5. Deadpool
7. Romulus

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