Wonder Woman - Diversen - The Complete History

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The Complete History
Wonder Woman - Diversen
€ 19,95


The super-powered trilogy that captured the world's greatest superhero triumvirate of all time is now available in paperback. Relive the adventures of Krypton's favorite son inside and outside the comic book world in Superman: The Complete History. Uncover the Caped Crusader's mysterious real-world origin and his evolution into a hugely successful TV and movie franchise in Batman: The Complete History. Follow the Amazon Princess as she evolves from curiosity to feminist icon in the Eisner Awardwinning Wonder Woman: The Complete History. Each book is filled with enough archival comic book art, photographs, and in-depth history to satisfy the most demanding fan—and is now priced to appeal to the most casual reader. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, and all related characters, names, and indicia are trademarks of DC Comics 2004.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Wonder Woman
Reeks/Deel: Wonder Woman - Diversen
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9780811831116
Scenarist(en): Daniels, Les
Tekenaar(s): Diverse tekenaars , Kidd, Chip
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: Chronicle Books

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