Justice Society of America, the - Omnibus 3 - Volume Three

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Volume Three
Justice Society of America, the - Omnibus 3
€ 150,00

Uitgave omschrijving

1248 pagina's


Known for his groundbreaking work on Green Lantern over a decade ago, Geoff Johns brought the Justice Society of America characters once rooted in the Golden Age of comics back to the forefront of graphic storytelling.  Mixing younger, edgier characters with the elder statesmen of superheroes, Johns brought the JSA back to the forefront of the comics in what became the industry's best-selling comic series. Collected here is the second and concluding volume on Johns' now-legendary run on the original JSA.

Collected here are JSA #76-87, Justice Society of America #1-28, Justice League of America #8-10, Justice Society of America Annual #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special:Superman #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: Magog #1, JSA Kingdom Come Special: The Kingdom #1.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Justice Society of America
Reeks/Deel: Justice Society of America, the - Omnibus 3
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401255305
Scenarist(en): Johns, Geoff , Levitz, Paul , Meltzer, Brad
Tekenaar(s): Eaglesham, Dale , Ordway, Jerry , Ross, Alex
Genre(s): DC Superhelden
Uitgever: DC Comics

In deze reeks

1. Volume One
2. Volume Two

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