Marvel Masterworks 267 / Mighty Thor, the 17 - The Mighty Thor - Volume 17

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The Mighty Thor - Volume 17
Marvel Masterworks 267 / Mighty Thor, the 17
€ 75,00


Not just one, but two teams with godlike creative talents grace the latest Marvel Masterworks. First, Len Wein and Walter Simonson will pit Thor against mercenaries with a nuclear cobalt cannon, bang on the Stilt-Man like a tin can, rock the world in a battle with Blastaar and conquer the massive artificial intelligence F.A.U.S.T. Then, Roy Thomas and John Buscema take up the hammer in some of the most beautifully illustrated Asgardian epics of all time! They'll tap deep into Thor's mythic roots, crafting amazing adventures featuring Loki, the death of Balder, the Midgard Serpent and a new Norse Thor. All as foretold in the legend of Ragnarok! Also featuring rare never-before-reprinted Thor and Hercules stories from MARVEL PREVIEW. COLLECTING: THOR (1966) 267-278, MARVEL PREVIEW (1975) 10

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Marvel Masterworks, Thor
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks 267
Subreeksen/Deel: Mighty Thor, the 17
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302909734
Scenarist(en): Thomas, Roy , Wein, Len
Tekenaar(s): Buscema, John , Simonson, Walter
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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  • Akim Stripspeciaalzaak

    Ulgersmaweg 14
    9731 BS Groningen

    +31 (0)50 - 549 96 98

  • Openingstijden

    Do. 09:00 — 18:00
    Vr. 09:00 — 18:00
    Za. 10:00 — 17:00