Marvel Masterworks 332 / Mighty Thor, the 21 - The Mighty Thor - Volume 21

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The Mighty Thor - Volume 21
Marvel Masterworks 332 / Mighty Thor, the 21
€ 75,00


The God of Thunder needs all the help he can get against the Bi-Beast. Enter: Iron Man! Then, it's a Man-Beast/Man-Thing showdown with Thor in the middle - while Loki conspires to pit his adopted brother against the stone men of Easter Island and the great dragon Fafnir! As if that's not drama enough, Thor faces a gauntlet of foes in Zaniac, the Dark Man and the Scarlet Scarab, plus a one-on-one showdown with Darkoth - with Mephisto lurking in the background! And who are Grult and the Menagerie of Rimthursar? This Masterworks edition also includes a double-sized Annual extravaganza pitting Thor and the gods against the Demogorge and 'Sea of Destiny,' a tale beautifully rendered by master illustrator John Bolton.

Collecting THOR (1966) #315-327 and ANNUAL #10 and material from BIZARRE ADVENTURES #32.

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Marvel Masterworks, Thor
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks 332
Subreeksen/Deel: Mighty Thor, the 21
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302933395
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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