Y, the Last Man - Collected Editions 2 - Book Two

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Uitgave omschrijving

The Deluxe Edition


A Russian spacecraft from the International Space Station returns to Earth carrying three passengers: one woman and two men. Could this be the end of Yorick's status as the last living male?

Plus, the group runs up against a roadblock in Arizona where the female remains of the Sons of Arizona militia have cut the interstate to keep out any vestiges of the U.S. government.

Don't miss the latest volume in the series Entertainment Weekly calls "a seriously funny, nuanced tale."

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Y, the Last Man
Reeks/Deel: Y, the Last Man - Collected Editions 2
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781401222352
Scenarist(en): Vaughan, Brian K.
Tekenaar(s): Chadwick, Paul , Guerra, Pia , Parlov, Goran
Genre(s): Science Fiction
Uitgever: Vertigo

Ook beschikbaar

Book Two
Y, the Last Man - Collected Editions 2
€ 23,99

In deze reeks

1. Book One
3. Book Three
4. Book Four
5. Book Five

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