Marvel Masterworks / Mighty Thor, the 20 - The Mighty Thor - Volume 20

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The Mighty Thor - Volume 20
Marvel Masterworks / Mighty Thor, the 20
€ 75,00

Uitgave omschrijving

336 pagina's


Collects Thor (1966) #303-314, Thor Annual (1966) #9.

With writer Doug Moench behind the helm, Thor returns to Midgard (A.K.A. Earth) - but there's no getting comfortable for the God of Thunder as he soon discovers heavies like the Wrecking Crew, Mephisto and Galactus' heralds Firelord and Gabriel all ready and waiting to take him on! And even when Thor finally does get time for a well-earned rest, he finds himself haunted with visions of the dream demon! But why is All-Father Odin putting Thor on trial? Plus: X-Men scribe Chris Claremont delivers a supersize battle against the dread Dormammu, while Mark Gruenwald and Ralph Macchio provide a fresh set of Tales of Asgard! Lift Mjolnir high - this is a Masterworks fit for the Realm Eternal!

Overige productgegevens

Held/serie: Marvel Masterworks, Thor
Reeks/Deel: Marvel Masterworks
Subreeksen/Deel: Mighty Thor, the 20
Taal: Engels
ISBN: 9781302928711
Scenarist(en): Gruenwald, Mark , Marvel Various , Moench, Doug
Tekenaar(s): Marvel Various , Pollard, Keith
Genre(s): Marvel superhelden
Uitgever: Marvel

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